DAYS QUOTATION TODAY'S QUOTE 16:43 0 Edius Katamugora Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future. ~Robert Schuller
DAYS QUOTATION 4/2/21 QUOTE 14:38 0 Edius Katamugora I'm much more interested in solving problems than I'm in making money. ~Naval Ravikant
DAYS QUOTATION Qoute Of The Day 06:08 0 Edius Katamugora The only person to limit you is you and yourself. Success begins with you.
DAYS QUOTATION Quote Of The Day 11:12 0 Edius Katamugora A lot of people are doing Busyness Instead of doing Business.
QUOTE OF THE DAY 08:11 0 Edius Katamugora To be successful you need other people to work along with you.
DAYS QUOTATION Quote of The Day 05:58 0 Edius Katamugora It is not the strongest of the species that survive, not the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change. ~Charles Darwin~ (I809- 1882)